One-on-One Boutique Coaching

What’s included

6 month commitment
Ready to take on the journey of clarity, growth, and lasting change? Dive into personalized coaching with me, to break free from the mundane and mediocrity. Let's conquer this adventure together!


60 min Individual sessions via Zoom

You and I get to hang out each week virtually! We explore what's going on inside your mind, heart & soul. Each session will have takeaways you can take action on.

Customized Resources

As a former Social Worker and self-help enthusiast, I've gathered valuable resources for your MIND, BODY, AND SOUL well-being. Receive curated lists of books, articles, and videos, saving you from navigating through the overwhelming sea of information. I've done the legwork for you!

Weekly Progression Tracking

I don’t know about you, but I like instant gratification and seeing tangible results. You’ll be able to track what you’re working on and the progress you’re making each week. This is a proven way to stay on track and learn more about yourself!


Speaking & Workshops